Was hast du mir zu sagen?

Comments, requests, complaints… or other reactions to the Tristan podcasts? And for those of you listening “at home” (as opposed to on the Ipod), here’s a wonderful resource: a complete libretto of the opera with hypertext leading to an English translation and illustrations of the Leitmotiven.

6 Responses to “Was hast du mir zu sagen?”

  1. meretrice i. d'oscena Says:

    I was not able to listen to all of Act I, but I was loving it. Mödl sounds like she is really on fire.

    I seem to remember always hearing terrible things about Mödl’s voice, and the reviews for her live Tristan recording (the same one on this podcast?) have some mean things to say (Something about running for the hills when she sings her high notes). But I have never really experienced any of her recordings for myself.

    But now I feel the need to hear more- has she gotten an unjustly bad rep over the years?

  2. chimezatmidnight Says:

    Until I knew Modl’s voice not through reputation but her Furtwangler Ring performances, studio and radio.

    What I savored in her with those almost pales after hearing her Isolde with Vinay.

    La Cieca, I wish my body were feeling better — too much leukemia, too much treatment. This performance you offered makes my soul feel like the sail on Tristan’s ship — open to everything, wherever it my lead.

    Now for von Karajan.

    Generally the man was born to have his picture on the cover of the Social Personality Disorders sections of the DSM-I and II.

    I mean… his EMI Tristan was so freaking self-absorbed that if you touched it in anything more than a glancing way you’d get toxic shock and your fingers would fall off.

    But this… this time he conducted the opera, not the insular and airless airbrushed Drama of His Nazi Self.

    I’ve listened to the first act three times and the second twice so far.

    As many times as he “directed” stage performances and tv films of operas (talk about men who can’t give up the control, remote or not), I felt I was actually WATCHING something improbable but really good – Marcel Carne directing Tristan on film.

    I love your podcasts. So does my 17 year old daughter who thinks you are FABULOUS.

    I’m just happy and grateful you ARE. What a generous, witty, knowing and loving soul you are.

  3. Mia madre aveva una povera ancella Says:

    La Cieca, would it be possible for you to change the time format on the posts/comments so that the date appears along with the time?

    Mille grazie!

  4. marschallin Says:

    This is an outstanding performance. Thank you for sharing it.

  5. Il Tenore di Coloratura Superba Says:

    Babe, Cieca darling, my love…I can’t even get started on the Tristan because I am OBSESSIVELY listening to Ghena over and over and over and over again. Where did you find these recordings because I need them for me to exist!!!!

  6. The Tenth Valkyrie Says:

    I came late to this podcast, which means that I could download the entire thing in one go and do what I usually do with Tris & Iz recordings: start from behind. I absolutely adore what Mödl does with the Liebestod. Thank you for sharing this bit of höchste Lust!

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